St Mary's Priory Abergavenny: The Priory Centre

WORSHIP at St Mary's Parish Church, St Mary's Priory, Abergavenny

Services at St Mary's


There are currently three services taking place at St Mary's Priory each Sunday:  Said Eucharist at 8.00am, sung Priory Eucharist at 11.00am and Choral Evensong at 5.00 pm (although Evensong takes place at Christchurch North Street on the 1st Sunday of the month). The list of services can be found on the weekly Pew Leaflet or on the noticeboard in the porch.  

The church is currently open for visitors who wish to see the fine monuments or sit in quiet contemplation Monday to Friday from 10.00am until 2.00pm and Saturday from 10.00am until 3.00pm; sometimes we will open longer depending on availiability of staff.   Please note: the Priory site will be closed on Monday 3rd June for visitors.

There is no charge although St Mary’s does cost £1,000 per day to run, so any voluntary contribution would be very gratefully received.



Please note that, for the foreseeable future, only Sunday services and Wednesday 1000 service will be taking place.  Friday evening Choral Evensongs will begin again on Friday 24th April.

Sunday                8.00am. Holy Eucharist      11.00am  Priory Eucharist      5.00pm   Choral Evensong

                                                                                  (Evensong on 1st Sunday of Month in Christchurch)

Monday              No Services (Rector's rest day)

Tuesday              8.15am  Lauds          8.45am  Holy Eucharist (2004)               5 .00pm  Vespers

Wednesday         8.15am  Lauds        10.00am Holy Eucharist (2004)               5.00pm. Vespers

                           5.30pm  Holy Communion (1662)

Thursday            8.15am  Lauds.         8.45am  Holy Eucharist (2004)               5 .00pm  Vespers

Friday                 8.15am  Lauds.         7.00pm        *1st Choral Vespers  

                                                                                    2nd Choral Evensong

                                                                                    3rd Choral Compline

                                                                                    4th Choral Evensong (*Begins 1st Friday of Month)

Saturday   8.45am. Rosary       09.15am     Holy Eucharist (2004)        5.00pm. Vespers



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